you stupid, idiotic, child-molesting bastard

Monday, July 30, 2007

Comparison Post Based on an Internet Conversation w/ My Girlfriend #1

ME: so are you okay with me writing a sports blog?
MY GIRLFRIEND: why wouldn't i be?
MY GIRLFRIEND: as long as you're not constantly berating the white sox or something
ME: i'm...probably not
MY GIRLFRIEND: i can live with that


Meet Ken Williams. He is big Dave's better. Here are some people who work for Ken, and approximately how much they're being paid by the White Sox:

Darin Erstad - $1,000,000 / 2007 salary

Scott Podsednik - $2,900,000 / 2007 salary

Joe Crede - $4,940,000 / 2007 salary

Jermaine Dye - $7,000,000 / 2007 salary

Jose Contreras - $9,000,000 / 2007 salary

Yikes. Not great contracts for Mr. Williams. I guess he should have thought better than to sign people to multi-million dollar deals coming off career years that most likely will never be replicated. Ah well. Anyhoo, here's someone who also works in Chicago, as well as an approximate figure of how much he's getting paid by the Pittsburgh Pirates this season:

Jason Kendall
- $12,858,194 / 2007 salary

If Ken Williams turned out to be a nazi, then I would probably be swayed to think he was worse than Dave Littlefield. Actually I wouldn't be, considering that Littlefield never had the dumb luck to bring home a championship.

Open Letter #1


You may remember me. I wrote an open letter to you on my inner-feelings blog, two years ago. The content was mostly ideas on how to make the Pirates a better team (chop salary by not hiring BAD players; use saved money to pay GOOD players; if nothing else, buy up an army of homeless people and look for a prospect in there; etc.). Anyway, if you don't remember it, that's okay. You clearly dismissed my ideas, and that's why I'm writing to you now - on my hate blog!

I hate you. I hate you so much. You're breast cancer. How did you get this job?! Is this like the scam in 'Major League'? It couldn't be - you keep spending the owner's money. Maybe this is like 'Brewster's Millions,' where you have to blow through as much cash and win as few games as possible in order to collect the $300,000,000 inheritance from your dead, white, slave-owning relative at the end of the 30 day period. I can't actually disprove that that's what's going on, and henceforth will just assume you killed John Candy (and always disliked Richard Pryor's standup because he was black and you're bigoted).

What it boils down to is this: EAT SHIT. Closing down our city's steel industry was bad enough. Then you had to come and not improve our struggling baseball team. And how you didn't improve it! Fucking slut.

for one You spent Jeromy Burnitz $6,000,000 on year 313 ABs!! .711 OPS!!! fielding range. Below average you could have saved people's lives with that money!! But now they're dead!

So listen, Penisface: you suck and if I could get you fired, I would. But fortunately for you, Major League Baseball is a feudal system, in which I am but a pissed-off serf. Therefore, I aim to remove you from power via cyber-malice. Expect to be hated to the point where you can no longer remain employed.


About Me

I'm the artistic director of a blog.